Loan Forgiveness: One Way to Finance Bard CEP Education

The U.S. Government is finally moving to fix an ailing loan-forgiveness program that has helped CEP students in the past finance their education. The idea behind the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program is that for students who go into non-profit or government work, if they make minimum payments on their loans for 10 years, then after a decade, the government will forgive the balance.
Quite a few MS and M Ed students pursue non-profit or government careers. But the program has been snarled in red tape for the last few years, and nationwide, many people who put in claims for loan forgiveness were denied. Now the Biden Administration is taking a chain saw to the problem, and many observers are optimistic that the program will begin functioning as Congress intended.
Students considering CEP and who are thinking about a non-profit career should look into the program as a potential way to dramatically cut the cost of graduate school. But do pay attention to the fine print, and follow all the rules!