From Peace Corps to Career: The Bard M.S. in Environmental Policy

Running environmental education camps in Armenia. Installing biogas digesters in rural Thailand. Life in a completely foreign culture.
These are the stories two returned Peace Corps volunteers (RPCV) reflect on when they think about their time serving overseas.
Want to know more about how these RPCVs spent their time during their Peace Corps programs? Interested in how they translated their years of volunteer work into successful careers in high-impact areas?
Check out these student video stories about their journeys with the Peace Corps, their decisions to join a rigorous master’s program at Bard that complemented their volunteer experience, and how they’ve launched successful careers since then.
From Peace Corps to a Career in Consulting: Margaux's Story
Margaux Granat, Climate and Energy Advisor, Gender Specialist at the International Union for Conservation of Nature, talks about her work with the Peace Corps in Armenia, her decision to study for a Master's in Environmental Policy at Bard, and how her internship experience through Bard translated into a career as a consultant to international organizations doing gender integration.
“One of the wonderful things about Bard is the cohort that you get to go through the years with. You can laugh and cry with them while you’re there, but you also have an incredible network of people who are interested in the environment and the policy and planning side of it as well as implementation on projects who are doing innovative work [after you leave].”
From Peace Corps to a Career in Environmental Policy: Kale's Story
Kale Roberts, Program Officer, Local Governments for Sustainability at the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives, reflects on his time in Thailand with the Peace Corps, talks about how his passion for environmental initiatives led him to the Climate Science and Policy master’s program at Bard, and explains how his graduate thesis has informed the work of his UN colleagues in rural Cambodia.
“It’s not too common that you come across people as an employer with such a direct climate policy skillset. That’s something Bard gave me, and it all made me very competitive to go after my role with ICLEI.”
Bard's CEP is the Ultimate Place for Peace Corps Volunteers to Find Success
Bard's Graduate Programs in Sustainability offer generous sustainability scholarships and support for both RPCVs and for students combining the Peace Corps with their master’s study. These Paul D. Coverdell Fellowships at Bard reflect the value we place on the experience and commitment of our returned and future PCVs.
If you’re trying to decide between Peace Corps and a master’s degree, think about combining the two experiences for real career success. Bard College helps volunteers and students get the best possible mix of academic training, further real-world experience, and career development to build meaningful lifetime work.