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Bard Climate Scientist on Mount Everest National Geographic Expedition

Dr. Anton Seimon teaches climate science in our Masters in Climate Science and Policy program at Bard College. Seimon has ongoing research projects in Africa, Peru and the midwestern U.S. (where he chases tornadoes). But he could not resist a chance to work with his partner Tracie Seimon, studying the impacts of climate change on the flora of Mt. Everest, as part of a recent National Geographic expedition. You can hear from Anton and Tracie about their Everest science beginning at minute 10:28 here, through minute 22:00.

The film identifies Anton through a research affiliation he has at Appalachian State, but we are proud to claim him as a core faculty member for our Climate Science and Policy program at Bard.

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About the Author

Eban Goodstein

Eban Goodstein

Dr. Eban Goodstein is an economist and the Director of the MBA in Sustainability and the MS and MEd programs at the Center for Environmental Policy at Bard College. He is known for organizing national educational initiatives on climate change, which have engaged thousands of schools and universities, civic institutions, faith groups, and community organizations in solutions-driven dialogue. Goodstein is the author of three books and numerous journal articles focused on climate change, sustainability and green jobs.