The Bard MBA Does TedX: Compelling Stories about Equitable VC Finance, Prison Information Literacy, Education-Ecology-Democracy, Thrifting to Fight Facism, and The Three Ways to Change the World

When TEDx came to Bard College in Fall 2023, the Bard MBA in Sustainability was well represented.
Entrepreneurship Professor Alejandro Crawford told a detective story about the true impact of inequitable access to VC Finance.
Stacy Burnett, MBA ‘23 talked about falling in love with Oscar Wilde, and the vital importance of internet access and information literacy for incarcerated people.
Personal Leadership Professor Lauren Graham began her talk with a story about her first teaching gig at ten years old, and how the fight for democracy and the planet begins in the classroom.
Masha Zabara, a graduate of Crawford’s Bard undergraduate class on social entrepreneurship, and her co-founder Jillian Reed offered a sparkling onstage conversation about starting their business ”Thrift to Fight”, and avoiding the “all or nothing activism” trap.
Finally, MBA Director Eban Goodstein explained the three ways to solve climate change (and everything else): Change Minds, Change the Rules, and Change the Game. He also recommends getting arrested every 25 years.
A huge thanks to the Bard College student team who put on the Tedx: Emily O'Rourke, Thanasis Kostikas, and Tom Chitwood.