Use SubjectToClimate to Make Climate a Class

We invite you to Make Climate A Class during Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week (April 1 - 8 2024). Any educator can Make Climate a Class, no matter the subject or grade level. All you have to do is pick a date during Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week, carve out just 30 minutes of class time and incorporate climate into that day’s class.
But don’t worry if you’re not a “Climate Expert,” our curricular partner, SubjectToClimate, makes climate education easy and straightforward.
Use their resource database to find a lesson plan that’s right for you and your class. You can search lesson plans by grade level, subject, language, region and more. So Make Climate A Class during Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week and join the thousands of educators joining us in 2024 to turn students’ climate despair into climate repair. Learn more about SubjectToClimate here.