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Beyond Politics: The Private Governance Response to Climate Change

Featuring Michael Vandenbergh

Michael Vandenbergh, Co-Author of "Beyond Politics: A Private Governance Response to Climate Change"

Beyond Politics: The Private Governance Response to Climate Change makes the case that the private sector can fill the environmental gap created by partisan politics. Vandenbergh and co-author Jonathan Gilligan highlight the emissions reduction initiatives of prominent firms like Hewlett Packard and Mars, Inc., and they call for further corporate action on a low-carbon future.

Vandenbergh, the David Daniels Allen Distinguished Chair of Law at Vanderbilt University and director of its Climate Change Research Network, figures that the private sector can eliminate a billion tons of carbon emissions each year over the next decade. As he says, it’s a number that would matter.

The Bard MBA’s Sarah Hutcherson spoke with Vandenbergh about his his work and Beyond Politics for the Impact Report.