Lead The Change

Two Weeks in Mexico. A Lifetime of Sustainability Lessons.

Written by Katie Boyle | November 1, 2018

When you were first wondering how to parallel park, did you do some research? Did you pick up your phone, do a quick Google search, and settle in to learn all about parallel parking via a 10 step guide?

Almost certainly, you did not. You asked someone to show you how, in real time, in real life.

Why did you take this approach? Because your common sense told you that this type of skill could never be learned in the abstract, through pure study or reading. You needed someone to show you how, to let you get behind the wheel, and then to keep practicing until you could handle a tight spot on either side of the street with ease. Many of us are still working on this skill.

We think about learning how to work in sustainable development in the same way we think about learning how to parallel park. It cannot be done in the abstract.

This is why all of our Center for Environmental Policy master’s students participate in at least one intensive, hands-on experience in the field. We’re here to give you a glimpse of what they learn, and what you could learn through a two-week intensive sustainable development focused trip.

Experience Our Oaxaca Trip for Yourself in Video

One great way to get a sense for the sustainability lessons that Bard students learn during their course of study is to check out this feature film from the Oaxaca trip. This video captures one of the projects we've had the opportunity to work on and research in conjunction with our partner, the Institute for Nature and Society in Oaxaca, Mexico.

The Institute for Nature and Society has devised a revolutionary approach to "slow water" and this approach has informed a new understanding of watershed management at home and abroad.

Check Out Our Complete Resource to Read Student Stories and Learn More

Obviously, reading student stories is not the same as traveling to Mexico for two weeks for yourself. But we're confident you'll learn a lot from reading their reflections on the experience. That's why we created a resource designed to give you a full look at the Oaxaca experience and how Bard is educating the sustainability leaders of tomorrow.

You'll hear about community engagement, sustainable building materials, and much more as they discuss what they learned during this two week experience. You will also learn about the three crucial approaches to studying sustainability that we embrace in our master's programs.

Successful sustainability efforts will require all of us to recommit our energy and efforts to global transformation. If you are considering a career in sustainability or know you want to learn more about how to leave the earth greener and better than you found it, Bard’s Center for Environmental Policy is leading the change.

Through theoretical and experiential learning, through a strong interdisciplinary curriculum, through an emphasis on local and global efforts, and through strong network-building relationships, Bard is educating the leaders of tomorrow. 

If you want to learn more about sustainable development, principles for sustainability, or Bard's master's degree programs,

check out our resource, A Crash Course in Sustainable Development!