
In Class: Middle & High School

Written by Karianne Canfield | Aug 18, 2023 10:41:00 PM

Our Key Curricular Partner


Any educator can Make Climate a Class, no matter the subject or grade level. All you have to do is pick a date during Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week, carve out just 30 minutes of class time and incorporate climate into that day’s class. But don’t worry if you’re not a “Climate Expert,” our curricular partner, Subject To Climate, makes climate education easy and straightforward.

Use their resource database to find a lesson plan that’s right for you and your class. You can search lesson plans by grade level, subject, language, region and more. So Make Climate A Class during Worldwide Climate and Justice Education Week and join the thousands of educators joining us in 2024 to turn students’ climate despair into climate repair. 


CLEAN- Committed to Climate and Energy Education 

CLEAN is the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network.
Our primary efforts are:

  • to steward a reviewed collection of free, high-quality teaching materials for teaching climate and energy
  • to support the CLEAN Network, a community of professionals committed to improving climate and energy literacy.


Klima Papel

Specific Subject: Environment, music, and food.

Age Group: 6th grade - 12th grade 

KlimaPapel started with the Filipino educators in mind — ensuring that, as someone who fights for inclusivity, we all have access to local and global resources that we can use to spread awareness on the reality of climate change and help #MakeClimateAClass & #MakeClimateAConversation in more classrooms in the Philippines and everywhere else!


In collaboration with Worldwide Teach-In Philippines.


UCAR Climate Science

Specific Subject: Climate science basics

Age Group: 6th grade - adult

The UCAR SciEd Learning Zone is a comprehensive and accessible website dedicated to educating learners of all ages about the fundamental principles and mechanisms that govern Earth's climate. This platform serves as an authoritative and user-friendly resource, providing valuable insights into the complex science behind climate systems and their impacts. It offers a rich collection of articles, visual aids, animations, and interactive resources, all expertly curated to present complex concepts in an easily understandable manner. The content covers a wide range of topics, including the greenhouse effect, atmospheric circulation, ocean currents, climate variability, and the role of human activities in influencing climate change. One of the highlights of the website is its inclusion of interactive simulations and visualizations. Through these engaging tools, users can actively explore the dynamics of various climate processes. The content is tailored to suit different learning levels, ranging from basic explanations for beginners to more advanced insights for those seeking in-depth knowledge. This adaptability ensures that the website is a valuable resource for both classroom use and self-guided learning.

Door Number One

Door Number One offers a systems approach to developing a whole-school climate action plan for a school community. It is based on three dimensions – Organizational Culture, Collective Learning, and Physical Place, all informed by a Compelling Vision for the future. The framework is set in the context of the imperative to solve the climate crisis. Each dimension is composed of strategies essential for successfully creating and implementing a high-impact, whole-school climate action plan. All these strategies should be combined to meet the unique needs of each school at different stages along their journey to a just, beautiful, net-zero future. Their climate resource web-page offers a number of helpful, key documents, such as : a guided worksheet to help you create a compelling, aspirational vision for climate action in your school; a comprehensive assessment document that provides you with information on the greatest areas of opportunity for accelerating your climate action; climate action plan templates; and a useful document that helps you translate your Climate Audit's data into a useful action plan.

The IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report

Specific Subject: Raw climate science info and data

Age Group: 11th grade - adult

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report 6 is a vital online resource dedicated to providing the latest scientific assessment of climate change. As part of the IPCC's commitment to informing the public about the state of the Earth's climate, this website presents comprehensive and authoritative information based on extensive research and contributions from experts worldwide. This report represents a significant milestone in the global effort to understand the causes, impacts, and potential solutions to climate change. The website covers a wide range of topics related to climate science, including the latest data on greenhouse gas emissions, observed changes in the climate system, and projections for the future. The website boasts a user-friendly, intuitive interface, featuring clear navigation menus and a well-organized structure that allows visitors to easily find what they need. Through dynamic data visualizations, interactive maps, and multimedia elements, complex climate information is presented in an accessible and visually compelling manner. Educators can find educational materials and guides to integrate climate science into their curricula, helping to raise awareness and climate literacy among students.

UGC Berkeley - Understanding Global Change

Specific Subject: Climate change and impacts

Age Group: 6th grade - adult

The UC Berkeley Global Change Information Hub is a comprehensive website dedicated to providing valuable insights into the concept of global change and its impacts on Earth's ecosystems and societies. This platform offers an extensive collection of resources, research findings, and educational materials to foster a deeper understanding of global change and its implications. The creators are committed to enhancing climate and environmental literacy. Students and educators can access classroom materials, lesson plans, and interactive tools to foster a deeper understanding of global change concepts. While the main pages are geared towards middle school students, additional resources attached to each page provide more in-depth information and data for older users. Through a mix of scholarly articles, data visualizations, and multimedia content, users can explore the intricate web of factors driving global change, including climate change, biodiversity loss, land use changes, and human-induced alterations to the environment. It presents expert-curated content from leading researchers, scientists, and experts in the field, and is rigorously reviewed and backed by credible sources to ensure accuracy and reliability for all users, including students and educators.

Biodiversity for a Livable Climate - Compendium

Specific Subject: Biodiversity and Climate Change

Age Group: High school students and older

Bio4Climate publishes a Compendium of Scientific and Practical Findings Supporting Eco-Restoration to Address Global Warming approximately every six months that collects both anecdotal stories as well as peer reviewed papers about ecological restoration. The Bio4Climate Compendium is a concise and informative platform focused on showcasing the potential of bioenergy and carbon sequestration in mitigating climate change. With a straightforward interface, it offers a compilation of valuable resources and case studies that highlight the positive impact of bioenergy solutions on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon sequestration in natural ecosystems. The website serves as a valuable reference for policymakers, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding the role of bioenergy in combating climate change. By providing evidence-based information, the Bio4Climate Compendium aims to promote sustainable practices and contribute to global efforts in addressing the pressing issue of climate change.

The Conversation - Climate Change is a Justice Issue

Specific Subject: Climate and Environmental Justice

Age Group: Middle School through adult

Through six impactful charts, this article underscores the significance of viewing climate change as a critical issue of justice. The charts vividly depict the disproportionate impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities, including marginalized groups and developing regions. Each chart conveys essential data and evidence, revealing the urgency of addressing climate change through a justice-oriented lens. The website serves as a compelling resource, shedding light on the ethical dimensions of climate change and advocating for equitable solutions to this global challenge.

Climate Stories Project

Specific Subject: Climate impacts

Age Group: Elementary school through adult

The Climate Stories Project is a compelling collection of personal stories contributed by people from around the world whose narratives highlight the human dimensions of climate change, reflecting how individuals and communities are affected by the shifting climate and environmental challenges. Through the power of storytelling, complex scientific concepts are humanized, making climate change more relatable and relevant to everyday life. In addition to raising awareness, the website aims to inspire and empower its audience. The website serves as an educational platform, enlightening visitors about the multifaceted aspects of climate change and its effects on individuals and communities. To encourage user engagement and interaction, visitors can comment on stories, share their responses on social media, and participate in discussions on the platform. This interactive aspect fosters a sense of connection between storytellers and their audience, creating a space for meaningful dialogue around climate change and its impacts.


Specific Subject: Climate science and impacts

Age Group: Middle school through adult

RealClimate is a renowned and authoritative blog run by a group of climate scientists, dedicated to providing accurate and accessible information on climate change and related topics. Blog posts, articles, and op-eds address pressing issues such as climate change impacts, greenhouse gas emissions, extreme weather events, climate modeling, and policy developments.As a blog, it stands apart as an excellent resource that effectively communicates complex scientific concepts to a broad variety of audiences. The "Start Here" page serves as an essential starting point by directing visitors to resources in four categories that pertain to four different levels of climate change knowledge. Visitors can explore data visualizations, climate models, and multimedia presentations that enhance the learning experience and provide a more immersive understanding of climate science concepts. RealClimate fosters a vibrant and informed community by encouraging readers to engage in constructive discussions through comment sections and online forums to help foster a broader dialogue on climate science, its impacts, and potential solutions.

Communities in Crisis: Student Voices on Climate Change

Specific Subject: Social Aspect of Climate Change

Age Groups: All people of all ages

The "Communities in Crisis" website, hosted by Penn State University, is a thought-provoking and informative platform that delves into the examination of various societal challenges and crises. Created with the intention of fostering understanding, awareness, and meaningful discourse, the website serves as a dynamic resource for students, educators, researchers, and the wider community interested in exploring the complex issues facing communities around the world. Its diverse collection of resources, articles, case studies, and multimedia materials that analyze a wide spectrum of societal crises encompass a broad range of topics such as social justice, economic inequality, environmental concerns, health disparities, political unrest, and more. Through an interdisciplinary lens, the website engages visitors in a thoughtful exploration of the root causes, impacts, and potential solutions to these pressing challenges.

Its standout feature‒in-depth case studies‒provide a comprehensive look into real-world scenarios, highlighting the experiences of communities grappling with complex issues. The case studies offer rich narratives, data-driven analyses, and firsthand accounts, giving visitors a deeper insight into the multifaceted nature of each crisis. Interactive maps, simulations, quizzes, and multimedia presentations actively engage visitors in the learning process.

Write The World - Climate Writing Awards

Specific Subject: poems and short stories

Age Group: All people of all ages

“Write the World invited young writers ages 13 to 19 to submit their pieces and responses to three climate writing prompts. From 33 countries around the world, young writers penned poems, stories, and letters‒all speaking in their own way to the climate crisis we are living through. This collection is composed of the winning entries and selected finalists in each category”(issuu). 

SDG Toolkit

Specific Subject: Sustainable Development

Age Group: High School students, Higher Education students, adults, and educators of all age groups

Organized by The University College Cork, this site is dedicated to promoting and facilitating the understanding, integration, and advancement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Designed as a resource hub for students, educators, researchers, and the wider community, the toolkit empowers individuals and institutions to take meaningful actions towards achieving a more sustainable and equitable world. At the core of the UCC SDG Toolkit is a comprehensive repository of information about each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Provided resources include downloadable toolkits, guides, best practice examples, case studies, and practical tips for integrating sustainable practices into diverse areas such as education, research, operations, and community engagement. For educators, the Toolkit offers support in incorporating the SDGs into curricula by providing curriculum guides, lesson plans, and interdisciplinary teaching materials that facilitate the exploration of sustainability across different academic disciplines. To monitor and evaluate progress, the toolkit equips users with tools for tracking their contributions to the SDGs through impact assessment frameworks and reporting guidelines. With a focus on innovation and creativity, the toolkit showcases innovative projects, research initiatives, and success stories that illustrate how individuals and organizations are making tangible progress towards the SDGs. 

Bard CEP: Solar Dominance Dialogue Finder

Specific Subject: Climate Policy

Age Groups: High School Students. Higher Education Students, adults

The Solar Dominance Dialogue Finder is a unique and innovative online tool designed to facilitate meaningful conversations and foster a deeper understanding of the concept of "solar dominance." This interactive platform serves as a bridge between various perspectives and stakeholders, encouraging users to explore the potential of solar energy as a dominant and sustainable source of power in the context of global energy transition. The website offers educational insights and resources to deepen users' understanding of solar energy and its implications. Users can access a repository of information, including articles, reports, infographics, and multimedia content, all curated to provide a holistic view of solar dominance's potential benefits and challenges. Through interactive charts, graphs, and maps, users can explore trends, projections, and comparisons related to solar energy adoption and its role in a sustainable future. The platform suggests practical steps and opportunities for users to get involved in initiatives related to solar energy advocacy, policy, research, and community-driven projects.

Project Drawdown

Specific Subject: Climate Solutions

Age Groups: High School students, Higher education students, adults

The website highlights the core focus of Project Drawdown—identifying and implementing actionable solutions to reverse global warming. Through well-structured and informative articles, visitors can explore a diverse array of solutions, ranging from renewable energy and sustainable agriculture to building efficiency and nature-based approaches. The website provides an extensive collection of resources, including reports, research findings, infographics, and data visualizations. These resources offer in-depth insights into the effectiveness and potential impact of different climate solutions. The website features engaging videos, podcasts, and interviews that showcase success stories, expert perspectives, and real-world applications of climate solutions. Visitors can learn about collaborative projects, partnerships, and events that Project Drawdown is involved in. The website is available in multiple languages, ensuring that individuals worldwide can access and engage with its content.



Bullfrog Films

Specific Subject: Climate-related films

Age Groups: All people of all ages

The Bullfrog Communities website presents an inspiring and impactful initiative called the "Worldwide Teach-In on Climate Justice." This platform serves as a hub for individuals, educators, and activists from around the globe who are committed to fostering a deeper understanding of climate justice and its crucial role in addressing the complex challenges posed by climate change. offers a rich collection of educational resources, including videos, articles, lesson plans, and multimedia presentations, all centered around the themes of climate justice, equity, and sustainability. These resources are meticulously curated to empower educators and learners to engage in meaningful discussions and actions addressing the intersection of climate and social justice.

More Curricular Content

EPA Climate Change Resources

Specific Subject: Climate science and impacts resources for educators

Age Group: Kindergarten through Higher Education

At the heart of this website lies a commitment to empower educators and students with the knowledge and tools needed to understand climate change. From lesson plans to interactive activities, the website equips educators to effectively integrate climate change topics into their curricula, while engaging students in meaningful and enlightening learning experiences.

Educators can explore a dedicated section brimming with teacher-focused resources. These include ready-to-use lesson plans, classroom activities, educational games, and multimedia presentations tailored to various grade levels. The resources are designed to make teaching about climate change engaging and accessible, while fostering critical thinking, inquiry, and informed decision-making among students. These materials help cultivate a deeper understanding of climate change and inspire a sense of environmental responsibility from a young age. The website bridges the gap between theory and real-world relevance by highlighting the tangible impacts of climate change on the environment, human health, and society. It offers insights into climate-related policies, adaptation strategies, and mitigation efforts, fostering an understanding of the interconnectedness between climate change and everyday life.

NASA Global Climate Change for Educators

Specific Subject: Climate science and impacts resources for educators

Age Group: Kindergarten through Higher Education

The NASA Climate for Educators website is a specialized and informative online platform designed to support educators in effectively teaching climate science to students of all ages. It offers a rich collection of curriculum resources tailored to different grade levels and subjects. These resources include lesson plans, activities, multimedia presentations, and hands-on experiments that facilitate interactive and engaging learning experiences related to climate science. Its primary focus is empowering educators with the knowledge and tools they need to incorporate climate science into their curricula. Whether educators are teaching in formal classrooms or informal settings, the website caters to their diverse needs, providing a comprehensive suite of resources that align with various educational standards and learning objectives. Recognizing the importance of continuous professional development, the website offers opportunities for educators to enhance their understanding of climate science through workshops, webinars, and online courses. The website creates opportunities for educators and students to connect with NASA scientists and experts in climate science through virtual events, Q&A sessions, and live discussions.

Specific Subject: Climate science and impacts resources for educators

Age Group: Kindergarten through Higher Education

At the heart of the Teaching Resources website is its role as a hub for educators seeking reliable and up-to-date materials to enhance their teaching of climate science. The website serves as a one-stop destination for teachers, offering a diverse range of resources suitable for various grade levels, subject areas, and teaching styles. Educators can access an extensive collection of teaching materials including lesson plans, interactive activities, data visualizations, multimedia presentations, and worksheets that cover a wide spectrum of climate-related topics. Each resource is meticulously designed to engage students and promote active learning while aligning with national education standards. Recognizing the diverse needs of educators and students, the Teaching Resources website offers materials that cater to various learning styles and abilities. It also offers opportunities for professional development through webinars, workshops, and training sessions. Educators can connect with experts in the field, engage in discussions, and stay informed about the latest advancements in climate science education.

Climate Interactions: Climate En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator 

Specific Subject: Climate solutions

Age Groups: High School students, Higher Education students, adults

With a commitment to bridging the gap between understanding and action, Climate Interactive offers a range of interactive platforms and support resources designed to inspire collaborative efforts for a sustainable future. The En-ROADS simulation platform offers a unique and immersive experience that allows users to explore the potential outcomes of different policy decisions and actions on global climate systems and fosters a deeper understanding of the interconnected factors influencing climate change. En-ROADS offers educational materials, tutorials, and workshops, catering to both individuals seeking to deepen their understanding and educators looking to incorporate dynamic climate simulations into their curricula. En-ROADS provides an intuitive interface for users to manipulate variables such as technological advancements and policy changes to observe their real-time effects on global temperature, carbon emissions, and other critical indicators.

Environmental Graphiti

Specific Subject: Art

Age Group: High School students, Higher Education students, adults

Environmental Graphiti presents a unique and captivating approach to raising awareness about environmental issues through the fusion of art and data. As an innovative platform, Environmental Graphiti showcases a collection of thought-provoking artworks that visually translate complex environmental data into engaging and accessible visual narratives. The site serves as a gallery and educational hub, encouraging visitors to explore and contemplate the intricate connections between data, art, and environmental awareness.