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Reducing Risks for Responsible Mining

Featuring Karen Chovan

CEO & Founder of Enviro Integration Strategies, Inc.

Enviro Integration Strategies is focused on helping leaders to rapidly integrate sustainable choices and practices into mining designs and operations. 

After 20 years in mining, CEO and Founder, Karen Chovan has gained a breadth of experience and knowledge working as a geological engineer and project manager. She has also worked as an organizational change agent helping teams to solve environmental problems, avoid risks in future major projects, and create programs and protocols to improve performance within the sustainability realm. From problem identification, all the way through to change implementation, Karen has helped teams get to the other side, and she has a very large network to find any unique support the project might need to get there.

Karen  gained her BASc in Geological Engineering and a MASc in Mine Waste Management from UBC, and is also the Chair for the CIM Environmental and Social Responsibility Society (ESRS), where she aims to raise awareness and facilitate the uptake of more holistic and sustainable practices across industry. 

Bard MBA’s Patrick Connolly speaks with Karen for this episode of the Impact Report.