Lead the Change Podcast

610: Leading the Change & Changing the Game

Written by Eban Goodstein | Apr 21, 2023 6:00:00 PM

Eban Goodstein is an economist and Director of the Bard Graduate Programs in Sustainability which houses the Center for Environmental Policy and the MBA in Sustainability. Goodstein led the expansion of the Center for Environmental Policy which now offers master’s of science degrees in environmental policy and climate science and policy as well as an MEd in environmental education. He also  founded  the #1  ranked  MBA in sustainability in 2012. In recent years, Goodstein has also coordinated a series of national educational initiatives on climate change involving over 2500 colleges, universities, high schools and community organizations. He is the author of a college textbook, Economics and the Environment now in its ninth edition; Fighting for Love in the Century of Extinction: How Passion and Politics Can Stop Global Warming; and The Trade-off Myth: Fact and Fiction about Jobs and the Environment. He serves on the editorial board of Sustainability: The Journal of Record, and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Follett Corporation. He holds a B.A. in Geology from Williams College and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan.

Bard’s Graduate Programs in Sustainability cultivate leaders who break through existing systems, innovating solutions to critical social, environmental and economic challenges. 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the first graduating class from M.S. in Environmental Policy degree at Bard CEP and the 10th graduating class from the Bard MBA in Sustainability program. The 2023 graduating MS EP, MS CSP, MEd and MBA classes will bring the Bard GPS alumni community to over 500! 

The Impact Report's Series Producer, Katie Ellman, speaks with Eban for this episode of the Impact Report.