608: Boxed Water: An Alternative to Plastic Water Bottles
Rob Koenen
Chief Revenue Officer, Boxed Water
Rob is a brand-building executive with twenty years experience driving revenue growth with product and marketing strategies in varied consumer product markets. Proven results in repositioning and modernizing brands. Experienced in strategic planning, product management and operational fundamentals driving demonstrable results. Entrepreneurial spirit, accomplished in rallying an organization around a compelling vision.
Boxed Water was founded in 2009 and was the first company to offer a sustainable alternative to plastic water bottles. For those concerned with how to be more sustainable, they offer the most renewable option in the water aisle—and their water is sourced close to consumers to further reduce their carbon footprint. They created a new category and changed the way water is shipped, sold and enjoyed. They promote the use of tap water whenever possible but when you can’t use the tap, reach for their 92% plant-based, 100% recyclable, refillable and PBA box of water instead of the plastic.
Boxed Water is a proud member of 1% For The Planet and a partner of the National Forest Foundation and Ocean Blue Project. With these partners they have planted over 1 million trees and cleaned beaches from Coast to Coast.
Bard MBA’s Adam Rozenberg speaks with Rob for this episode of the Impact Report.